Trendsetter’s Interactive Magazine!

Check out the newest & coolest way of publishing online magazines, like something you’ve never seen before.

Along with our brand new magazine, Trendsetters, we launched a fully interactive online version of the publication that has a ton of great features & more ways to interact! The digital version of our Trendsetters Magazine is like not like anything you’ve seen before.

Through our digital version of Trendsetters, you will find ways to interact with every page, allowing us to turn basic online publications into a stylish, engaging & interactive flipbook.

By adding features like videos, shopping widgets, social media pages, podcasts, & more, it allows our readers to easily access any of the content through a simple click. We are excited to be able to engage our readers further, directing them to the top recommended products, apps, books, local restaurants, apparel, events & activities allowing for a powerful deep dive into the online publication.

We are excited to build engagement like never before, grow our audience, & more importantly collaborate & connecting the businesses & influencers in our community!

We hope Trendsetters inspires you to try new things, engage in different experiences, & explore new connections in our community. Check out everything our online publication has to offer & let us know what you think!

Visit our interactive online magazine here!

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