Who You Gonna Call? Mosquito Squad

Photos contributed by Mosquito Squad of Eastern ND

When Jamestown, North Dakota, businessman Kevin Reuther stumbled upon the Mosquito Squad franchise, he was instantly drawn toward their customer-oriented approach. In fact, he liked it so much that he decided to buy in and open up his own branch that would serve the whole of eastern North Dakota. In the past three years, the Mosquito Squad of Eastern North Dakota has protected more than 500 families from those pesky, uninvited, summertime guests.

What Do They Do?

Husband and wife Kevin and Jodi Reuther co-own Mosquito Squad of Eastern ND

Although it may look like the Mosquito Squad technicians are carrying proton packs straight out of “Ghostbusters,” they use their Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved equipment to repel real-life creepy-crawlies like ticks and mosquitoes from residential and commercial lawns. The Reuthers’ also offer on-the-farm services for customers who have acres of land. As their name suggests, the Mosquito Squad of Eastern North Dakota services the entire eastern side of the state and anything between the Canadian and South Dakota borders.

How Does It Work?

Traditional Mosquito Control
Technicians treat key areas of your property, eliminating mosquitoes on contact and providing continuous protection, reapplying every two to three weeks.

All-Natural Mosquito Control
Mosquito Squad’s all-natural mosquito spray is made up of essential oils. As opposed to their traditional barrier protection, this treatment must be applied every 14 days.

Intensive Tick Treatment
This treatment involves the use of the traditional barrier spray and tick tubes placed around the property two times a season. Tick tubes are small tubes of treated cotton that mice like to take back to their nests. Because mice typically have six to 10 ticks on them at any given time, this is one way to prevent them from becoming carriers.

Automatic Misting System
Mosquito Squad can install a misting system on your property that automatically delivers a
30-second spray two to four times a day when
mosquitoes are known to be at their most active.

Special Event Spray
A technician will spray the area before your event, such as a wedding reception or barbecue, creating an odorless barrier that eliminates mosquitoes.

Who are the technicians?

Mosquito Squad of Eastern North Dakota consists of owner, Kevin Reuther, two administrators and five technicians. Because mosquito season only lasts about three months out of the year, most of the technicians are actually college students and student-athletes staying in Jamestown for the summer. Even though they are on summer break, each technician must pass a six-hour test in order to get their certification through the state.

“We’re going into people’s yards, and we care about what’s there. My biggest thing is customer satisfaction. We want to make sure that people are getting what they paid for.” – Kevin Reuther

DIY pest control tips and tricks

Tip over backyard items to reduce standing water
Less Water = Less Mosquitoes

Toss unwanted grass clippings, leaves and mulch piles
Clean Yard = Less Mosquitoes

Turn over yard items that could hold water
Less Water = Less Mosquitoes

Tighten loose tarps over firewood piles and grills
Taut Tarps = Less Mosquitoes

Take care of home maintenance to reduce mosquito populations
Maintained Yard = Less Mosquitoes

Team up and share your mosquito prevention smarts with neighbors
Group Effort = Less Mosquitoes

Call the pros to treat your yard and stop mosquitoes for good
Protective Barrier Sprays = No Mosquitos

Mosquito Squad of Eastern North Dakota


You can also find them on Facebook and on Twitter @MosquitosprayND

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