Home Sweet… Office

Photography and article by Andrew Jason

We bet you haven’t seen an office like Sundog. Sundog is a marketing and technology firm that handles clients like Sanford, Medtronic, Bobcat, Schwan’s and many more.  Since 2006 Sundog has been housed inside the sixth floor of the Multiband Tower in Fargo. Since moving in they have taken over parts of the fourth and fifth floor so that they now occupy around 25,000 square feet. Sundog has recognized the importance of having a work space that promotes creativity.

Feeling Cold?

Welcome to the office. How was your day? Here at the Sundog, just about every day is a good one. Working with trCREATIVE to brand the company has also stressed the importance of comforts in the workplace. By getting to know our clients, we have also learned more about our employees and this advertising agency understands the importance workplace satisfaction.

Family Pictures

Employees on the sixth floor are encouraged to bring a picture that is important to them. Many employees bring pictures of their family, friends or hobbies. According to Sundog’s Marketing Coordinator, Heidi Haaven, this is a great way to get to know your colleagues.


Have you ever seen an office with a gazebo in it? Neither have we. This used to be their spot for morning meetings but, unfortunately, their staff has grown too large for the gazebo. It’s still a great spot to relax and get your creative juices flowing.

Creative Space 

Employees here are encouraged to be creative. That’s why Sundog has done away with the typical office dress code. They only ask for their employees to get comfortable. (Aren’t we all more creative when our dress shirts and slacks aren’t restricting the blood flow to our brains?) Employees work together in open areas. Teamwork is a key ingredient to their success.

Open-Door Policy

Don’t you hate when you want to talk to the boss and their door is closed? That never happens at Sundog. When they were looking over the design plans they saw where they were being asked to choose glass partitions or standard partitions they said of course glass and then said in fact, we don’t want any of the bosses to have a door. None of the offices have doors, creating a very literal, open-door policy. (We should probably mention that although the offices don’t have doors, the bathrooms do. This is an important distinction to make.

Gumball Art

Take a closer look at this picture. Those are all gumballs, 6,350 gumballs to be exact. This unique take on their logo took a team of 14 working for eight hours. This is a great example of the creativity they try and instill in their employees.

Some Fresh Air  

It shouldn’t surprise you that Sundog has been voted the “Best small company to work for” by the Fargo Forum, the “Best place to work in North Dakota” by the North Dakota Young Professionals and one of the “Best places to work in marketing and media” by Advertising Age. Talk about a breath of fresh air.

The View

Sundog has a view like none other in Fargo. The outdoor patio that’s six floors up gives a great view of 45th street. You can see for miles.

Learn More About Sundog

To learn more about sundog marketing + technology go to sundoginteractive.com or call 701-235-5525.

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